Today I am going to share something very interesting and
very useful topic with you all. Before few weeks I was looking for the new car
but I was very confused. Which car would be best for me? Which car has features
and advantages all I want and also with in my budget? Sometimes I felt this car
is good and sometimes that is good, got very confused not able to take any
But then once while when I was searching about cars on net I
came to know about the site . It has amazing concepts
and features for all car lovers. You have to login with Facebook to get started
with this site. Here I am going to explain its usability through the image
below to make it easier to understand.
Home – Above image is your home page.
My profile – Here is your profile details.
My friends – It shows the experiences shared by your friends.
Here you can invite your friends to share their car experience and long drive
Share Experience – this is for sharing your experience. You
can share your car experience as well as your long drive experience over here.
It goes under moderator and after approval your experience shows to other. From
this you can find that this site is trustful. All original and genuine experiences
are shown on the site no fake entries allowed.

Long drive – When you clicked this tab you can see the city
list. Click on the city name and you will find the experiences shared by all users
about their long drive around this city.
Compare cars – I find that this one is the best feature from
all other. Here you can compare two cars in their various function and features
with each other. It is very simple you just have to select car brand, car model
and car variant and after that an email will be sent to you with the brief car comparison
details and the reviews written by other users about that car. See the below
All these things are very useful. It helps me a lot to clear
my confusion about the cars. As I told you in begging that I was confused in
buying new car. I just used the same function to get clear idea about my
perfect car. So if any one of you are thinking to buy a new car just come to
this site and try this car compare feature, I am sure you will easily find your
perfect car.
Car News –This is for all who has passion about cars. You will
not miss single news about your favorite car. All latest news about any car
brands is here. You just need to visit this site. Isn’t it interesting!
New Launches – Here you will find the car launches
information. Whenever any new launch happened you will find it here in detail.
At the end things are very clear that if you love cars, if
you are passionate about cars then CarConnect is the only place
from that you can find information whatever you want about any car. Really very
useful site I can say this from my experience.
Hope all of you will find this post useful and informative.